Return and Repair
We accept order cancellation within 1 hour after placing the order. If the order is canceled you will get full refund in 2-3 days.
Please be notified that we cannot cancel the order if the product is already shipped out.
If you wish to cancel the order , please contact us by with your order number.
14-Days Refund Guarantee for Unopened & Unused Items
Undamaged products could be returned for a full refund for any reason within 14 days of the date of purchase. However, please bear in mind that we will refund you after receiving and inspection of the item.
Kindly note that:
- Returning package must include all accessories and in its original package.
- For non-quality related claims, buyer is responsible for shipping costs. (Personal Reasons due to changed mind, personal taste, etc.)
- Refund requests after 14 days will not be accepted. Products are damaged by misuse, mishandling, or poor maintenance and are not covered by return guarantee and we are not liable for these issues.
Receiver: ASIAN PORTAL FISHING Logistics Center
Contact number: +81 048-242-3343
Return Address: 3928 Haijimacho, Akishima City, Tokyo 196-0002 Japan
If you want to return your items, Please contact us by
Warranty and Repair
We do not accept any repairing cases due to the repair policy from Japanese makers.
Even though the warranty certificate is included, it will not be valid overseas and the warranty does not apply to your local maker.
Please be forewarned before purchasing from Asian Portal Fishing.
Note: You will be covered of our return guarantee if the product arrived damaged or has defective at the first place caused by negligence from the factory.
In that case, please refer to 30-Days Refund Guarantee for Unopened & Unused Items for more details.