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Total length: 7.7ft /Rod weight: 317g /Power: Ex Heavy /Line PE: 6-10lb /Grip length: 590mm /Pack length: 181cm /Blank material: UD glass+24t graphite /Tip diameter: 3.1mm /Bottom diameter: 15.9mm
What we wanted from NEX, the next generation standard model of snake head rods. It is a snakehead rod designed for power games, but it was developed with particular emphasis on the eternal themes of "improved operability'' and "difficulty in disassembly'' for heavy rods. Power hooking regardless of short distance or long distance. We reconsidered the combination of taper and material that would not lead to hook-off even in the slightest under the commonplace conditions of barbless hollow frog and cover game. This time, we will introduce the "H" class, which has an excellent operability and is useful as a light cover. And, for the first time, we added 2 pieces that are convenient for movement. A power model designed for use in areas with one or two sheets of water chestnut algae, or in composite covers with height differences. Although the bat power of this class is strong, a series of movements from casting to action, accurate hooking, and guiding to the fighting course can be performed smoothly.